Posted by: Andrew Skelton | 18/11/2012

Ready, Steady…. Crash!

Wooosh, originally uploaded by

I’ve always thought I was a good driver, I passed my driving test first time after some intensive sessions with my Dad, but thanks to that pesky Xbox console my delusions that I could have been a contender in the world of Formula One have been dashed after playing the console game of the same name. So far, I’m still stuck on the New Driver section which aims to walk you through the car, controls and aid with cornering etc. but not because I can’t actually handle the vehicle – one section requires you to rewind the action from a specific point so that you can start again, and it’s actually this that I can’t get passed. Mind you, I have been out on a number of the racing circuits in the game and I’ve managed to cause a fair number of crashes with my over aggressive driving style though at the moment I’m kidding myself that I need to get used to controlling the car using a joystick and buttons rather than a proper steering wheel and pedals. I am fooling myself here as on the occasions I’ve taken part in go kart racing with friends I do seem to have had my fair share of racing incidents, as well as an equal number of rounds of applause at my race. There are a number of well known racing drivers who seem to suffer from the same red mist – I’ll just have to make sure I don’t compete against those whilst playing the console game.

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